Lawyers make their money by prosecuting and defending clients. All their work is based on the rule of law. The rule of law is the cornerstone of our democracy.
So when I listened to the podcast entitled George Conway Explains the Law to Sarah Longwell, I had a few thoughts of my own re: the subject.
Point number one: Trump, Musk et al are breaking the law on a daily basis. What they are doing is illegal. ( nota bene: If you need examples, you are reading the wrong Substack). Therefore, why is the American Bar Association (which is organized by state) not taking away the law licenses of the attorneys that are aiding and abetting this lawless regime starting with Pam Bondi? Her brother is attempting to infiltrate the ABA leadership team. He is working in tandem with Pam as we speak. He too should lose his license as he is aiding and abetting the lawlessness. Here is the story.
The bad guys may have seen my substack on this issue recently and are taking action to prevent the D.C. ABA from doing its job.
Well, I can dream.
The ABA can censure and disbar attorneys that don’t fulfill their responsibilities re: the rule of law.
Point number two: If you are making your money by practicing law, why would you help a traitor? Trump in his last term tried to have Pence killed. Now he is unabashedly trying to overthrow the government again and the rule of law that we all need in order to remain free. If there are no laws, the regime will take away all your rights. Free speech will become a quaint notion. Elections will cease. So, again, if lawyers are working for these lawless people, aren’t they part of the problem? Lawyers will be engaging in shooting themselves in your own feet, wouldn’they? Boiled down to the essence, if there are no laws, lawyers won’t be needed. So…WTF? Why are they standing by letting this happen?
Point number three: what was that at the State of the Union when Trump thanked John Roberts, the Chief Justice? Trump thanked him twice. For what? George Conway rightly suggested that he was thanking Roberts for the immunity decision and perhaps for all the pains the Supremes went to to delay justice for all Trump’s illegal actions of his first term. If you don’t remember the cases, you are reading the wrong Substack.
I look at a bit differently. Roberts has been a major player starting with Bush v Gore. He made himself known as a rebel rouser in his Brooks Bros suit. That got him on the court. And his star continued to rise because the Federalist Society fingered him as having potential to destroy the rule of law. Too out there for you? Well, I submit that Roberts was Chief when the Citizens United case gave billionaires the room to buy their congresspersons, their senators, their governors, their local yokels. This led the oligarchs to sponsor gerrymandering. And they continue to do so… as I serve up Musk’s name as a prime example of billionaires now ignoring the law so they can rip the taxpayers off. This is John Roberts legacy in my mind.
Conway framed today as a moment when Roberts needs to decide if he will be the kingpin in bringing it all down by voting against the rule of law. Or will he be remembered as the one who saved the day? As I argued above, that ship has sailed. Roberts is a disaster. Imagine such a man without even an ethics code for his merry men on the court. He is already implicated as one of the main characters along with Mitch McConnell in destroying our democracy.
If we lose our democracy it will be because of these bad actors greasing the skids.
As if all lawyers actually respect the law....